If you don’t have enough money, sell your gems and various monster parts until you do. And Divine Beast Vah Medoh involves some of those. It’s not cheap, but buying this set will let you forget about cold climates, period. There’s a shop in Rito village, where you should buy the snowquill armor set: And preparation boils down to two things, really: having a bunch of arrows and the right armor. Preparing: Snowquill armorīefore you embark upon your journey to the Divine Beast Vah Medoh, you need to prepare. Finishing the Divine Beast Vah Medoh main questĭivine Beast Vah Medoh is located above Rito village, in the northwest corner of Breath of the Wild’s map.Solving the Divine Beast Vah Medoh puzzles and finding the terminals.How to get the Divine Beast Vah Medoh quest.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild guide and walkthrough Table of contents